Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sisters by Heart

I've never had a sister. Growing up I wished I had one and many times even made my little brother dress up or play with Barbies so I could pretend to have a sister! However, God has blessed my older brother, Derek, by giving him a wonderful wife, Amie, and in that, I have been blessed with a wonderful sister-in-law and friend. She is the closest thing I have to a sister and in many ways is even better than the "real thing". She and I have grown close over the last few years. I am so thankful that she is such a good wife to my brother and mother to my adorable nephew, but even more than that I am so thankful that she puts our family as a priority. She is a huge blessing to our family.
I am especially thankful for her at this time in my life as we are both expecting! We are only weeks apart in our pregnancies. I am so thankful that I can call her for anything! I was reading the other day from a book called Prayers for Expectant Mothers and I came upon a prayer called "A Pregnant Friend" and I immediately thought of Amie. Here are a few words from that prayer that I too pray:

"Thank You for my pregnant friend. It is great to talk to someone who's pregant. She has become my confidant-a listener who is living my adventure. I know that she is a gift from You. It was thoughtful of You to give me one woman who understands my tears because she is living it with me. Thank You for a friend to walk this path with me-a friend who loves at all times."

I thank God for Amie and I look forward to seeing our children grow up together!

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